Your Soul is a River – Nikita Gill

AuthorNikita Gill
PublisherThought Catalog Books
Date12 June 2016
Pages160 (Print edition)

“I hope you find someone who knows how to love you when you are sad.” (Original quotation, page 132, A Midnight Thought)


A selection of powerful poems, each of it telling a story. They are divided into chapters with the following titles: The Cosmos. Fire. The Storm. Ache. The Sea, the River, the Ocean. Wild. The Earth. Heal.

Themes and Language

Nikita Gill is one of the modern poets who share their impressive thoughts also via Instagram. She writes about love that hurts, ends and still hurts. These are powerful poems about darkness, the unbroken forces of nature, about growing strong again, hope and the journey of our souls to heal the inner child. Her language reveals deep feelings and she knows how to paint pictures in our minds and souls.


In these modern poems lyricism flows with richness of pictures painted by poetic words and feelings, rhythms like a stormy sea, darkness and sadness, and the hope of being strong and whole again.

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